BOR ignores mandate protests, ‘undermines faculty,' says AU faculty protesters

BOR ignores mandate protests, ‘undermines faculty,' says AU faculty protesters

By Chris Woods | News editor

After a week of protests last month at universities across Georgia calling for the University System of Georgia’s Board of Regents to issue a minimal mandate for mask wear, the call has been left unanswered.

Augusta University associate professor of Sociology Dustin Avent-Holt, who led last month’s protests at AU, said in a follow-up interview that the BOR continues to ignore the calls for a mask mandate despite ongoing pressure and future organized protests have not been arranged.

“The BOR is not moving on their failure to implement any mandates,” said Avent-Holt. “We continue to urge them to take action, but at this time no additional protest actions are planned around this issue.”

Professor in the AU College of Education Darla Linville, who voiced her concerns during the protests about the staggering number of teacher deaths in Georgia, said recently that she believes mandates are still necessary to continue fighting the coronavirus.

“I still think that we need to pursue a mask mandate or, preferably, a vaccine mandate. As we know, COVID has shown signs of being very adaptable to new circumstances, and in order to continue to be able to be together on campus, in person, we need to not provide situations in which the virus can mutate,” she said. “Masks and vaccines make us all safer.”

Last month, Avent-Holt pointed out universities’ efforts in other states to battle the virus with mask and vaccine mandates, saying that the USG’s current COVID-19 policies, which do not require mask wear or vaccines, are “failed leadership” on the part of the BOR and its new chancellor, and their leadership is driving prospective students and professors away from Georgia universities.

Professor of Anthropology Angela Bratton, who also spoke at the protests last month, recently backed Avent-Holt’s claim and emphasized concern for the repercussions for Georgia schools moving forward due to the BOR’s lax policies.

“We’ve heard from parents and students who are concerned as well as people on the academic job market who’ve made it clear that they won’t apply to jobs in Georgia because of the BOR’s poor response to the pandemic. That doesn’t bode well for the future of our state,” she said.

Last month as protests were wrapping up, attempts were made to contact eight members of the BOR as well as the Associate Vice Chancellor of Communications with the BOR Lance Wallace concerning the protest efforts.

Only one board member, James Hull, and Lance Wallace responded. Hull responded with words of concern, encouragement and appreciation, while Wallace offered stats on USG efforts in administering the vaccine as well as encouragement for USG staff and students to get vaccinated and wear masks, but neither made mention of the protests or responded to protesters’ concerns.

.As indicated by Avent-Holt, no future protests concerning COVID-19 policies are planned for now. However, he said he does believe some good has come from the protesters’ efforts.

“I do feel though that our protests have garnered a great deal of attention outside the USG and across the country. And, it has generated some solidarity among faculty on campus,” he said.

Bratton said that she is happy that she and others made the effort to have their voices heard even though she did not expect the BOR to take action following the protests.

She said, “Unfortunately, I’m not surprised by their lack of response or leadership in the area of our safety. But, I’m glad that we spoke out for better work/learning space for our university [and] community—it’s better to speak out than to be complicit.”

At top of page, Associate Professor Dustin Avent-Holt, right, at a protest Friday, Sept. 17 which concluded a week’s worth of demonstrations. (photo by Chris Woods)

Contact Chris Woods at

See students response to BOR decision in page 4 of the Monday, Oct. 25, 2021 print edition.

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