AU holds College of Nursing pinning ceremony and commencement events
The College of Nursing held the fall 2022 pinning ceremony Dec. 16 at the Maxwell Theatre on Summerville. (photo by Rakiyah Lenon)
By Rakiyah Lenon | Editor in chief
Augusta University ended last week with three celebrations recognizing the graduating classes this fall.
On Friday, Dec. 16, the College of Nursing recognized the nursing graduates in a pinning ceremony held on the Summerville Campus at the Maxwell Theatre.
Family and friends gathered to support the nursing graduates and watch them be receive recognition for their dedication and work.
Tanya Sudia, dean and professor of the College of Nursing, expressed excitement for the opportunity to acknowledge the graduating students.
According to Sudia, the pinning ceremony is a tradition that dates back several centuries ago.
“It is a symbol of service to others,” she said. “It is so much more than a piece of jewelry.”
Inductees of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing were also congratulated and received their honor cords to wear for graduation.
The following day, family and friends joined to celebrate the achievements of both graduate and undergraduate students in at the Augusta Marriott downtown on Saturday, Dec. 17.
Aenea Clark, a candidate for a bachelor’s degree in communication, was the student speaker for the undergraduate commencement ceremony. Jacob Sumpter, a degree candidate for a master’s degree in the nursing program, was selected as student speaker in the commencement ceremony for graduate students.
Brad Usry, the president of the Fat Man’s Hospitality Group, served as the keynote speaker for the undergraduate commencement ceremony, while Robyn Crittenden, the managing director of Deloitte’s Government and Public Sector, served as the keynote speaker of the graduate ceremony.
Usry spoke about how his dreams to play basketball at the University of Georgia were shattered by the premature death of his father. Usry emphasized to the graduates the importance of adapting and persevering. He noted that his business was teetering during the pandemic, but saved itself when it began to provide free meals to the community. That goodwill helped to resurrect Fat Man’s.
The events were livestreamed for those who were unable to attend in person. The recording of the ceremonies are expected to be made available Augusta University’s YouTube page.
The program for both commencement ceremonies can be found here:
Contact Rakiyah Lenon at
Aenea Clark, a communication major, closes out the Fall 2022 Commencement with the student address in the Marriott. Clark highlighted her internship with AU’s In the Wild podcast as a key experience during her time at AU. (staff photo)