Student Press Freedom Day highlights the importance of student journalism
By J. Ben Haynes | Staff writer
Today, Thursday, Feb. 27, marks the eighth annual Student Press Freedom Day, as student journalists across the country celebrate their contributions to their schools and raise awareness of the censorship they continue to face.
In 1988, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier that public school officials could censor content in school-sponsored publications.
“Hazelwood opened a can of worms that was unnecessary,” said Augusta University communication chair David Bulla. “Students will only learn the dynamics of society by publishing freely and without government interference.”
Additionally, in 2005, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled in Hosty v. Carter that university officials could have the authority to censor student speech and change their rules for publication.
Writing as a student journalist is as difficult now as it has ever been—an unfortunate reality given the state of the newspaper industry in the U.S.
According to the Associated Press, the nation has lost one-third of its newspapers since 2005, making student newspapers even more critical in delivering news to their communities.
“Student journalists are no longer a special category. Instead, in many places in the United States, they are the practicing, everyday journalists,” Bulla said. “Many of our students also work for or intern with local commercial news media.”
Today, The Bell Ringer staff celebrates its contributions to Augusta University and the Augusta community, recognizing the unique opportunity to publish without fear of censorship.
Here are some ways you cant celebrate SPFD along with us:
Contact J. Ben Haynes at