Learn three ways to study for the finals

Learn three ways to study for the finals

By Jack Johnson | Staff writer

The days are shorter. The weather is colder. The leaves are falling, and the holidays are right around the corner. This time of year is filled with joy for most, but for college students, it can only mean one thing –finals are here.

It is the most stressful part of the semester as many are locked in their rooms for hours cramming in as much information as they can to prepare for tests that could make or break their grades. However, it is not time to panic, yet. Here are three study tips to help bring in high scores on your finals.

This first method comes from sophomore biology major Rohan Kapuria, who claims that if done properly, cramming can be a very effective study method.

“Most people who cram for their tests do it wrong,” Kapuria said. “When I cram I usually do it a day or two before my test, and I’ll stay up all night studying. I make sure that I have nothing going on the next day so that I can catch up on sleep, and then, the night before my test, I revisit what I crammed for the night before. This way I get all of the information in my head without killing my sleep cycle the night before the test.”

While cramming may prove to be effective for some people such as Kapuria, it is generally frowned upon as a study method. Academic success center peer coach Michael McGrath shared his personal study methods that he uses with the students he helps.

“Studying for things like biology and chemistry is difficult because you have to cover a lot of information while also making sure that you understand concepts involved. I usually recommend studying hard for about 45 minutes and then taking a ten-minute break to get a drink or a snack. This way I find that I don’t overload myself with information and give my brain some time to process what I’ve gone over during my break,” said McGrath.

Lastly, Troy Cracknell, a graduate student in the business school here at Augusta University, claims that he has found the perfect study method for students who hate the idea of studying. He says that he has tried various methods of studying and that none of them seemed to work for him because he disliked studying so much.

“I was never able to sit down at a desk and just study like most people do. I hated the idea of studying so much that when I even tried it, I would lose my focus almost immediately and would be back at square one,” Cracknell said.

This is a problem that seems to affect many students in todays modern era. Everything from your phone to your watch is now a distraction and keeping focus while studying can be difficult. This is why Cracknell believes his study method is so effective because he turns his distractions into rewards.

He said, “The idea is to take the thing that distracts you most while studying and turn it into a reward for yourself. For me, my phone is my biggest distraction while studying; so, I’ll power it off completely and set it to the side. I then tell myself that if I study for a certain amount of time, I can turn my phone back on while I take a break."

Whether you chose to cram, study in intervals, or use a rewards system, studying for finals is never fun. No matter how you chose to study just remember that it will pay off when final grades come out.

At top of page, students find ways to study that helps them prepare for their final exams. (photo by Rakiyah Lenon)

Contact Jack Johnson at jacjohnson@augusta.edu.

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