Community shares thoughts with AU presidential search committee

Community shares thoughts with AU presidential search committee

From left to right, committee members Debbie Layman, Don Grantham, Ann Yates, Regent Jim Hull, Teresa MacCartney, Dee Mallory and Angel Lovett. (photo by Rakiyah Lenon)

By Rakiyah Lenon | Editor in chief

With Augusta University President Brooks A. Keel announcing his plans to retire at the end of the 2024 spring semester, the search to find a replacement has been steady. 

On Dec. 6, members of AU’s presidential search committee gathered in the Jaguar Student Activities Center’s Roscoe Williams Ballroom to hear from the community, faculty and students on what they want to see from the next university president.  

Led by Regent Jim Hull, the committee encouraged attendants to share what was important to them and ask questions.  

Attendees shared their thoughts and asked the committee questions. (photo by Rakiyah Lenon)

Here’s what some attendants had to say: 

Jeff Simless, an AU alum and community member, said because AU consists of several campuses, the search won’t be an easy task.  

“You guys have a hard job,” he told the committee. “There’s only 150 running a school like this in the country.” 

Audrey Wood, a retired educator from Richmond County, said she wants to see someone who sees the importance of reaching out to local students to keep the university thriving. 

“I would also like to see a president who has interest in the local CSRA community schools,” she said, “One who can encourage participation in the local schools.” 

Scott Thorp, chair of the Department of Art and Design at AU, said he wants to see, “someone who has a has a history of working in a number of different disciplines.” 

Eugene Hunt, one of the first Black students to integrate the school in 1966, said that in addition to wanting diversity in the search for the next president, someone who sees the importance of athletics would be beneficial for the university. 

“I would like to see a president who would be interested in a football program,” he said. “One of the best ways to grow the school is through athletics.” 

Bell Scdoris, a freshman social work major, said she wants to see a president who is present and engages with students. 

“By having a president that’s willing to grow, willing to be in the community and evolve, it will create a better stance for Augusta University,” Scdoris said.

Freshman students Bell Scdoris (left) and Harjot Pandher (right) speak at the listening session on Dec. 6. (photo by Rakiyah Lenon)

David Keel said the next president “needs to have a love for students,” as his brother, President Keel, does.  

“(The next president) needs to have a personality that enjoys interacting with students and being with students,” he said. “This university will not survive without students.” 

Keel jokingly mentioned that he wasn’t there to defend his brother, but he believes the university should find someone who cares for students as well.

He said the committee might find it worthwhile to talk to students from the universities of potential applicants. 

“See how they feel about their president,” he said. “I think that’s important. It really is.” 

Charles Moore, a retired Air Force officer and community member, urged the committee to make sure they find the right person for the job. 

“The person you are seeking does exist,” he said. 

Moore suggested the committee look into standards of great leadership and apply that to their search process.  

He added, “Don’t settle for somebody who can’t handle the job. Don’t do it...don’t cripple the university.” 

At the event, attendants were told that they are also able to make recommendations for potential applicants. As the session concluded, Regent Hull said: “I believe we are going to have a great candidate pool.” 

David Keel, President Brooks Keel’s brother. (photo by Rakiyah Lenon)

Wednesday evening’s event was the first of seven listening sessions scheduled, with the rest being held on Dec 7.  

Those who were unable to attend the event in person joined via a Zoom call. 

Keel has been president of AU since July 2015.

Contact Rakiyah Lenon at

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