The study abroad that changed my life

Kilkenny CastleBy Heather Jones|Staff writerThe summer of 2019 is a moment in time I will never forget because I got to travel all over my favorite country, Ireland.Many people long to travel, but rarely have the opportunity. However, with the help of the University System of Georgia, 30 students, including myself, got to live, study and travel in Ireland for FIVE WEEKS! Trying to be bold and experience new things, I conquered my fears of planes and hopped on. Excitement filled the air, as well as an undying nervous energy. Finally, after a seven-hour trans-Atlantic plane ride we arrived at the hustle and bustle of Dublin, Ireland!As nervous and excited as I was to start my new journey, nothing could have prepared me for the beauty that was just around the corner. Two hours later, we arrived at what would be our new homes for the next five weeks in the beautiful and serene Waterford, Ireland. This new place was filled with deep Irish and Viking history, gorgeous scenery and the most amazing and kind people you will ever meet.“It was truly a breathtaking dream,” said Shelbey Anderson, College of Coastal Georgia.Every week was a new and exciting place. First, we learned the history of Waterford (the oldest city in Ireland), then we traveled to Dungarvan and saw the castle ruins and crystal-clear water.Next up was Tramore, which was a beautiful rock beach only 30 minutes away from where we lived! The big city of Dublin was our next adventure. This was where we got to stay for an entire week and compare how vastly different Waterford is to the big city.Of course, when in Dublin, you have to go to the Guinness Storehouse Brewery, which was an adventure all by itself. As a group we went to so many different places that would blow anyone’s mind with the amount of beauty and history that could be seen.One of these places was the Kilkenny Castle, which is still functioning! Honestly, I cannot remember all the places we stopped and saw, but I can promise you that pictures and memories last a lifetime.“My time in Ireland was not only the highlight of my college career, but was the highlight of my life,” Shelbey Anderson.Ireland was a place where I got to make some amazing memories with even better people, and I am so thankful that I was able to work and fundraise for this trip. If I were to give any advice to students it would be to go on a study abroad while you can, because money can be replaced. Your time and memories, however, cannot.“Over a month in Ireland was a life changing experience. I got to learn, laugh, and love a different country, people and way of life,” Abbey Kirlin, Georgia Southern University. Conatct Heather Jones at

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