New Alpha Chi Omega chapter installed on campus

axokimballBy Codi Kimball |ContributorLeaders and members of Alpha Chi Omega gathered at Augusta University to welcome the new Lambda Xi chapter of the sorority on campus Sunday Nov. 17.National President Angela Costley Harris and Chief Executive Officer Katie Gaffin were present at this event to welcome the new Lambda Xi chapter of Alpha Chi Omega.To have both the national president and chief executive officer in the same building was a big deal for the new members. Many members were able to speak with Harris after the event and take pictures with her. In Alpha Chi land, she is a huge deal!“Meeting our national president was an opportunity of a lifetime,” said Chapter President Kayla Holt.National President Harris pinned Holt with a Chapter President badge. After the pinning, Angela put Alpha Chi Omega’s charter in Kayla’s hands.“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try,” said Holt. “Now that our chapter has been installed, we have started our legacy of strong compassionate women.”Several people gave speeches to celebrate the success and excitement of the future of Lambda Xi chapter. Alpha Chi Omega was just a thought that came to life this fall. Rumors were heard on campus which got a lot of people excited for their arrival.“Although it may seem insignificant now, in 30 years, we will be known as the founding members of Lambda Xi, which I think is amazing!” said lifetime member Savannah Luckey.Greek life at August University welcomed Alpha Chi Omega with open arms. The sorority started from nothing and has grown to be an amazing group of women.“Alpha Chi’s motto is 'Real. Strong. Women.' and I believe the future of Alpha Chi Omega will be filled with hundreds of real strong women,” said Luckey. “I can’t wait to see what amazing girls come through and do for this new chapter.”

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