Crew leader lays out her goals

By Callie Sirmans |ContributorThe Crew is a student organization at Augusta University that schedules many student-led events throughout the academic year, including, during the current semester, Homecoming and Mr. Augusta University. The Crew's team includes many students, one of whom is Shayla Riley-Dorsey, a sophomore at AU studying kinesiology who serves as the Crew's Chair Person of Traditions.Riley-Dorsey has many dreams and desires about her future.“I break them into three categories,” she said from The Crew office recently. “Physically, I want to be healthier, emotionally I want to be stable and be able to control my emotions, and then mentally I want to be in a good space and be more peaceful and patient.”She has put these goals in place to help reach her goals in the future.These goals can be very overwhelming if tried all at one time, so Riley-Dorsey focuses on a few different mottos each month. This way she is not overwhelmed by trying to change every part of her life.“For this month it’s the three P's: Positivity. Patience. Productivity,” she said.Throughout the semester, Riley-Dorsey has reminded herself of these three words and has tried to live by these words daily.The Crew has given Riley-Dorsey many opportunities this semester, including a promotion to Chair Person of Traditions.One lesson Riley-Dorsey has learned through balancing both The Crew and her schoolwork is time management.“You asked the question is it hard?... It is difficult," she said. "You just have to manage everything, and if you don’t, you’re going to flop."Riley-Dorsey has to help run many events for The Crew, and she has had to learn how to manage her time well.She was also challenged when she had to interview for The Crew. It was a strenuous process that made her step out of her comfort zone.One benefit to being a member of The Crew for Riley-Dorsey is that she has met many students through the events she helps run.“Being in The Crew is an achievement, and then also it's just getting to make other relationships," she said. "I take a lot of small stuff that people wouldn’t think are achievements and take them as achievements because the little things end up being a big thing."Upcoming events for The Crew include Takeover Tuesday on April 16 and Movie Night on April 19. Contact Callie Sirmans at

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