Yard sale brings cancer awareness
By CM Wahl | News editor
The Georgia Cancer Center organized an indoor community yard sale on Jan. 20 to highlight an upcoming walk called “Unite in the Fight.”
The sale featured home goods, clothing, toys, decorations and much more.
Rachel Johanek, clinical dietitian and certified specialist in oncology nutrition, is one of the co-chairs of the cancer awareness walk and fundraiser event.
“This is just one of our small pop-up sales we wanted to do,” said Johanek, “to help people thin out some of their items but also give back to the community.”
According to Johanek, the yard sale precedes other fundraising events meant to promote the nearly two-mile walk on May 4, 2024. Participants will start and end at the Bert Story Research Building, located at 1410 Laney Walker Blvd in Augusta.
Bert Story Research Building. At top of page, the indoor community yard sale offered a wide array of items to choose from. (photos by CM Wahl)
“We also want students to volunteer,” said Johanek, “or be walkers or fundraise if they want to.”
Lindsey Morris, communication specialist of the Georgia Cancer Center, characterizes Unite in the Fight as “incredible.”
“It funds so many programs that otherwise would not get funding,” she said.
Two such programs are the Image Boutique, which provides breast prostheses and wigs to patients, and Tile Art Projects, which furnishes pediatric patients with paint supplies to decorate ceiling tiles.
Barbara McFarland, administrator of Outpatient Cancer Services, detailed another art project funded by these events. For pediatric cancer patients with brain tumors undergoing radiation therapy, white mesh masks must be made of their torsos to help them remain still during treatment.
McFarland stated, “Unite in the Fight funds have enabled us to work with these children to decorate their masks.”
The children can choose any design they like, including superheroes and fantasy characters, to help bring some positivity into an often scary situation.
“We wouldn’t have been able to do that,” said McFarland, “without the supplies provided by Unite in the Fight.”
Additionally, proceeds from the yard sale and walk go to programs which offer emotional support to help patients better manage their mental health through their treatment and recovery journey.
Event details, donation information, team registration and frequently asked questions can be found at augusta.edu/giving/uniteinthefight.
Contact CM Wahl at cwahl@augusta.edu.