Networking and Nachos: Learning how to build lasting connections & setting up your future for success
By Lena Garrard | Staff writer
Networking and Nachos, an event presented and sponsored by Augusta University Career Services, took place in the JSAC Williams Ballroom last Wednesday, Feb. 12, from 3 to 5 p.m. More than 30 students attended with the goal of improving their networking skills—and, of course, enjoying free nachos.
The event was organized to provide students with the fundamentals of effective networking to help them build their careers as they transition into the workforce.
As students checked in and enjoyed complimentary drinks and cookies, resource tables from Alumni Relations, First- and Second-Year Experiences (FYE/SYE), and Career Services were available for browsing.
Julie Goley, director of Career Services, kicked off the event with a warm welcome to students.
The program began with a presentation from FYE/SYE staff, including Director Elizabeth Huggins, Coordinator Angelica Hill, and Administrative Assistant Morgan Hillman. They introduced students to the upcoming Southern Cities Swing Tour, encouraging them to take advantage of the opportunity to put their networking skills into practice.
“The Southern Cities Swing Tour is something you really do not want to miss,” Huggins said. “This honestly could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
Next, AU alumna Amy Richardson, president and founder of Richardson Professional Solutions, provided students with a framework for effective networking. Her strategy focused on three key phases: pre-game (before the event), game time (during the event), and post-game (after the event).
“How you approach a networking event is going to be the key to your success,” Richardson explained. “Pre-gaming and follow-ups are just as important as the event itself.”
For the pre-game phase, she advised students to eat beforehand to prevent distractions from hunger, wear their name tags on the right-hand side, practice their elevator pitch, and bring business cards.
During game time—the event itself—Richardson encouraged students to seek out and join open-standing conversations while avoiding closed-off groups. She also shared conversation starter prompts, demonstrated proper handshake techniques, and emphasized the importance of repeating a person’s name aloud during introductions.
Her post-game recommendations included following up, staying connected, and most importantly, following through on any commitments made during conversations.
To conclude the event, attendees enjoyed a free nacho dinner and had the opportunity to practice their networking skills with fellow students.
Not only did Networking and Nachos equip students with the tools to build and maintain professional connections, but it also empowered them to be confident in their ability to network.
“I am so glad I came to this event,” AU student Beau Burgess said. “I learned so many tips and tricks, from keeping my name tag on the right-hand side to ensure eye contact during introductions to holding my drink in my left hand to ensure a firm (and dry) handshake with the right.”
Students who attended the event gained a clearer understanding of professional networking and a head start in building their connections—skills that will help propel them toward new opportunities and long-term career success.
Contact Lena Garrard at