Chiming in: Be a pioneer

Chiming in: Be a pioneer

A first-generation college student is one who is the first in their family to receive a degree. (photo by Rakiyah Lenon)

By Rakiyah Lenon | Editor in chief

It’s been an interesting past few years to say the least. Having started college in fall of 2020, there were many firsts for me. Since enrolling, I feel as though I haven’t had the time to reflect on these firsts until recently.

Last month, I attended a discussion for first generation college students at Augusta University during Values Week. This discussion was held as a part of the nationally recognized first-generation college student day held on Nov. 8 of every year.

Faculty led the talk with students to share pieces of advice from what they experienced as first-generation students themselves. It was a great opportunity to hear from others and have people speak up to share their stories.

As part of a group activity, we thought of words that described who we are. After pondering, I could only think of one word. Pioneer.

One definition for the word pioneer, according to Merriam-Webster, is a “person or group that originates or helps open up a new line of thought or activity or a new method or technical development.”

In a way, I think that we are all pioneers to some degree. Each of us as our own unique individual taking the path that we call our own, becoming established and sharing what we know with others.

Of course, being the first to do something isn’t always easy. It can be challenging. It can be stressful. You could feel lost. But it can also be inspiring. It can be motivating. And it can be rewarding. It takes support to get there.

I encourage you to support one another as well in your educational journey, regardless of whether you are the first in your family, or come from a background that has for generations.

I encourage you never, ever lose sight of the result of hard work.

Keep your mind on the positive goals you have, and be a part of the change that comes from taking the first step.

Contact Rakiyah Lenon at

This story is published in the Monday, Nov. 28, 2022 print edition of The Bell Ringer on page 2.

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