Birds aren’t real?

Birds aren’t real?


By Madison Peirce |
Staff writer

Some theories about our government seem far-fetched. Birds Aren’t Real includes videos “from 1987” and other evidence to help fuel their movement.

During quarantine we have all been spending a lot of time on TikTok, and one of the common videos people stumble across are ones with the audio saying “the birds work for the bourgeoisie.”

Upon a quick google search, you will learned of the Birds Aren’t Real conspiracy theory. The theory states that during the Eisenhower administration roughly a fourth of the pigeon population in the D.C. area was replaced with government cameras that were being monitored by the CIA.

If you subscribe to Birds Aren’t Real’s emails, which you can at any time or after you buy some of their merchandise, you will receive emails stating what bird poop really is, oil from the cameras, or that somewhere in China someone found a bar-code on the wings of a pigeon. Or you will get politically driven emails that read:

“On the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building this morning, Birds Aren’t Real made history as the first movement to run for President. This groundbreaking bid for office marks the first time an entity other than a singular person has run. As a movement, if B.A.R. wins in November, this will make over 300,000 people President simultaneously. The movement entering the race provides an alternative for voters struggling to choose between Biden & Trump (Two openly Pro-Bird candidates).”

A link was included in the email to watch their “press conference.” It took place on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building with patrons wearing Birds Aren’t Real shirts and holding campaign posters. They joke about teaming up with an architect to make the oval office big enough to fit all 300,000 of their followers “it will look something like a beautiful roman coliseum.”

They state that as the first movement to be running for the office of the President, they will need a large enough office for all of us to work.

Link to Press Conference:

If you would like to learn more about Birds Aren’t Real, here is the link to their website:


Contact Madison Pierce at

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