AU students and basketball fans 'Stuff the Stadium' for the children of Ronald McDonald House

AU students and basketball fans 'Stuff the Stadium' for the children of Ronald McDonald House

By Chris Rickerson | Sports editor

Fans threw more than 1,100 stuffed animals on the court after the Jags made their first basket. (photo by Chris Rickerson)

Augusta University Student Life & Engagement collaborated with AU athletics to have the first “Stuff the Stadium” event in support of the Ronald McDonald House at the men’s basketball game Wednesday, Jan. 19.

Many AU students and basketball fans brought stuffed animals to the Jaguars basketball game against Georgia Southwestern. Everyone in the stadium launched their stuffed animals onto the court at Christenberry Fieldhouse after the Jaguars’ first basket and each one was donated to the Ronald McDonald House of Augusta.

“When we were thinking about trying to give back to our community, we looked at our core values of the institution. One of them is compassion, and I think it is important to give back to your community and those that are less fortunate a helping hand,” said Robert Aragon, Assistant Director of Student Programs and Student Life and Engagement. “We all have been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and that is still happening, but we wanted to find a way for the students to give back to the community in a fun way.”

Chris Pence, Finance and Development Director of Ronald McDonald House Charites, expressed his excitement for this event and explained how much this will do for the children and the charity.

“It’s huge”, he said. “These kids that come to our house, they’re in terrible shape and their family comes stay. We have a toy closet that the kids get to go in and pick whatever they want and they’re so excited. This is a pick-me-up for the children. It will help raise awareness for Ronald McDonald House and let them know they’re making a difference. We never have done a partnership like this with AU and we’re so excited.”

Roughly over 1,100 stuffed animals were counted after they were thrown on to the court at the event.

It was a successful event, I was not expecting it to be that great,” said Aragon. “We counted over 1,104 stuffed animals total, so it was a good event.”

Mr. Augusta University, Zyare Orr (L), and Ms. Augusta University, Chelsea Paulding (R), attended the game. (photo by Chris Rickerson)

Contact Chris Rickerson

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