President Keel breaks down suspension procedures during town hall

Keel_1By Ravyn Chatmon|Online editorUpdate: Dr. Brooks Keel announced Monday night, March 16, that all instruction for the remainder of the semester will be online. Dr. Keel added: "The decision to move courses online also means that students will need to move out of the residence halls. We will develop and communicate a plan for students to move out of the residence halls in a structured and orderly fashion that is consistent with the concept of maintaining an appropriate level of social distance."Augusta University President Brooks Keel held a town hall meeting on Friday, March 13, to answer questions and discuss procedures related to the temporary suspension of instruction due to the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.Students living in on-campus housing received an email on Thursday, March 12, that informed them to depart from campus by Friday, March 13 at 5 p.m. Work-study students  and students that don't have any other place to go were permitted to stay in the dorms. At the town hall, Keel wanted to make it clear that students are not moving out completely."We are not asking students to move out of their dorms. Leave your TVs in the dorms. Take your book bag. Take home what you need to continue your studies remotely," said Keel.Dining halls will be open to students during the temporary suspension of instruction. Shuttles will continue to run, as well. Shuttle routes on the Health Sciences campus will run as usual. The blue route that services Summerville campus, Christenberry Fieldhouse and University Village will have two shuttles running from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. during the suspension.Faculty will also face major changes. Professors must turn current on-campus courses into online, or distance learning, courses."Now, we're asking our faculty to fully convert your in-person instruction to online. We're asking our faculty and administrators to be flexible and be creative in delivering educational experiences for our students," said Keel.Graduate students will be able to continue with research as needed. It is encouraged to use flexible scheduling and work remotely whenever possible.While all of this is subject to change, as of now, spring break is not changing."Our originally scheduled spring break will continue as planned," Keel stated.AU employees are being asked to consider telework opportunities as a viable option to ensure of increased social distancing. It is important that supervisors and other employees work together to create options that ensure that hourly employees are still paid during this time."For employees who are subject to high risk of illness or exposure to COVID-19, the coronavirus, or who may be caring for an ill member fo their household, institutions have been asked to allow for flexible utilization of leave. All available leave will be allowed for COVID-19 illness or to minimize exposure for those that are high risk and unable to telework," said Keel.Before wrapping up the town hall, Keel had one major piece of advice to share with the students, faculty and staff:"Stay calm and wash you hands," he said.To watch the Health Sciences campus town hall, click here. watch the Summerville campus town hall, click here. Contact Ravyn Chatmon at 

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