Ask Oakley: How to handle Valentine's Day weekend

oakley1By Oakley the Cat|Advice columnThe Bell Ringer is proud to present a new feature for your reading pleasure: Ask Oakley! Whether online or in print, Oakley will be there for you! Who is Oakley, you ask? Oakley is the cat we all have inside of us. He loves to take naps, eat food and rarely does anything productive. He loves long walks to the fridge, and of course, he loves to cuddle up and watch Netflix while someone plays with his hair (AKA fur). He is what we all want to be like: sweet, speaks his mind and always cares for you! Welcome to Ask Oakley! For our premier column, we had Oakley’s friends send him questions that come up during this special time of year.Our 1st Topic: “How to ask your crush out on a date?”The best approach for asking someone is to do it in person. You should be confident, so be sure to take extra time in the morning getting ready. Wear your best outfit, spend a little extra time doing your hair and maybe squeeze in a face mask to give you that extra glow! Before you make your big move, take some time and breathe. You got this! In the event that they accept your offer, make sure you have some sort of plan in mind for the date. That extra step can really show that you care and will ensure you have an awesome night! Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor. #YouGotThisTo all you people who already have yo hunnies, I hope you made plans for Valentine’s Day. If you’re looking for some great Valentine’s Day weekend spots, I have a lot of good ideas that can be budget-friendly or a bit more on the expensive side. The best restaurants are:

  1. Oliviana’s: They have the best pizza and pasta in the CSRA.
  2. Craft and Vine: You can get a bunch of tapas and share.
  3. Frog Hollow: You can go here if you’re feeling extra boujee.
  4. Fuse: This is the spot if you’re feeling adventurous.

Now, before you go out to a restaurant on Valentine’s Day weekend, make sure you make a reservation before going, nothing looks worse than showing up to the restaurant without a reservation and being turned away because they’re booked. While going out is great, don’t be afraid to stay in and make a nice meal and spend some time together. I know one of my humans always love being surprised with sweet sentimental things by my other human!And for the ladies out there, don’t think I forgot about you! As a pre-Valentine’s Day tradition, be sure to get together and fellowship with your best girlfriends. This time of year is all about sharing the love, and that does not have to mean romantic. Galentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity to get together with your girlfriends for some much needed bonding time. Here are some of my top picks for Galentine’s day:

  1. Oliviana’s
  2. Wine & Painting at Pinot’s Palette
  3. Artsy Me

While Galentine’s day started off for girls, why should they have all the fun? I love to get together with my bros and spend some quality male bonding time. Some of my favorite places to go with my bros is:

  1. Hooters
  2. Twin Peaks
  3. Buffalo Wild Wings

All of these places are great for grabbing drinks, eating some good food, and relaxing with your friends!I hope you got some great tips to capitalize on this loving holiday weekend! For the next column, send your pressing questions to or tweet me at @AskOakley.Chat Soon!oakley

Jaguars defeat Braves, 75-65, and the streak continues

Valentine's Day date spots in Augusta