Sand Hills Literary Magazine releases Spring '19 Issue

By Sabrina Nacci |ContributorAugusta University’s Sand Hills Literary Magazine released its Spring 2019 issue on April 25 in the JSAC Breezeway.The magazine is a bi-annual publication that accepts works of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama and visual art.The magazine recently went national. This allows students and writers across the country to submit their pieces to possibly be published in the magazine.Students can work on the magazine over a semester in a three-hour class, ENGL 4670, with the faculty adviser.I worked as the managing editor for this issue alongside several other students in the class, and it gave us the chance  to review submissions and organize this newest issue.This was a great opportunity, because the editors were able to see the other side of publishing and editing and learn more about the process of creating literary magazines.If students do not want to take the course, but they are still interested in helping with the magazine, they can contact the current faculty advisor and let them know they are interested in volunteering alongside the staff.Assistant Professor Anna Harris-Parker has been the faculty adviser for Sand Hills since 2012, but this was her last semester in that role, and Assistant Professor Spencer Wise, one of the English and Foreign Language Department's newest creative writing professors, will be taking over the position starting in Fall 2019.The next issue will be the first online issue, and then a printed one will be published in the spring.Students can find a free copy of the magazine on the first floors of Allgood Hall near the café, University Hall near the entrance toward the center of campus and Washington Hall right next to the JagStore entrance. Contact Sabrina Nacci at

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