Man arrested for attempted robbery of Allgood Café

Staff report |Augusta University Police arrested a man who attempted to rob the the Allgood Café on Monday, April 29.AU Police responded late Monday morning to a complaint for an attempted robbery by force at the café, according a police department report. The man appeared to have a knife.The victim, a worker in the café, reported the offender twisted her arm while demanding money from the register. At that point, the worker cried out, and students studying and eating in the Allgood atrium heard her screams.The worker fled to a back storage area, and the man, who pushed her around, walked out of Allgood Hall without obtaining any money.A short time later, the man was taken into custody, according to the report.The attempted robbery occurred about 11:30 a.m., and police arrived shortly after.Anyone with additional information about this incident are asked to contact AU Police at (706) 721-2911.   

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