The balancing act

By Cameron Miller |

As a college student, your responsibilities can be quite demanding. For most, you have to fit a full-time class load, a part-time work load, personal interests, some time for socialization and even a possible side job into your weekly schedule, so it’s easy to get burned out from it all.

Juggling all of these tasks, you find that a full night of rest is hard to come by, and even naps are infrequent, adding to your mental exhaustion. Moreover, food plans can be rather makeshift, so fast food or no food at all are often the go-to for meals between classes. Most of us have been in, or are currently in, a situation much like this.

The first step is to make sure you are working with some kind of calendar. Organization is essential. By writing down your class schedule and work schedule for the semester—so long as they are both consistent or accessible in advance—you can have a central headquarters for your weekly timetable.

The next step is to make sure you have a meal plan at the start of each week. Fast food will not supply the energy you need for all your tasks, so it’s helpful to make your food with fresh and healthy ingredients at home. Additionally, if you are following a specific diet, you can customize your meals accordingly.

The next step is to carve out moments in your schedule to intentionally rest, whether by literally going to sleep or by simply giving yourself time to relax and reflect. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, you need restful moments between exams or work shifts to refresh and rejuvenate.

Friendships are a necessary part of your schedule as well. Having a community to connect with is paramount to a wholesome lifestyle. It’s a fresh reminder of the importance of common interests and the exchange of life support. Fellow students, fellow churchgoers, coworkers or other members of your community are often in the same place as you and simply need someone to share in their struggles and triumphs.

My experience is that you have to be intentional. Personally, there are many creative goals I want to complete this semester, amid the busyness of being a student and part-time employee. I want to start writing a novel and building my photography portfolio, among several other things. With deliberate planning, these aspirations are more than accomplishable.


Contact Cameron Miller at

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