Seventy degrees in February?

 IMG_8616By Meighan Coretti |ContributorI think it’s safe to say that whenever Georgia has a “colder than normal” winter, we have extremely hot summers – summers that tend to begin sooner than later in the year. However, there is always the chance that our weather could be a little unpredictable.‘Unpredictable’ is the word that comes to mind when I see a forecast for the week that includes a high of 78ºF on Tuesday and a dramatic drop in temperature over the weekend. A high of 69ºF on Friday and a high of only 58ºF on Saturday? Our weather just can’t decide which season it wants to become throughout the week! Therefore, we just may be wearing shorts and open-toed shoes one day, and pants and boots the very next.This month, our weather patterns have looked fairly similar to that of February 2017. Temperatures have been fluctuating up and down, from the high 70s to the low 30s. As Georgians, we know firsthand that this is nothing out of the ordinary, especially since this has unfortunately occurred over the past couple of years.In February, most are still shivering in fairly frigid temperatures. For those of us living in Georgia, it is a completely different experience. We may be shivering in the mornings on the way to class, but we are sweating by the early afternoon while walking through the parking lot. Mother Nature has an unusual plan, and it typically involves these back and forth temperature changes until the official blistering “summertime weather” occurs.Wouldn’t it be nice to have one season every couple of months, instead of getting all four seasons within one week?This week’s weather forecast has a high of 81º today Thursday, Feb. 7. Two days later, the weather will take a drastic dip to a high of 55º and a chilly low of 38º. This is just another indication that, here in Georgia, Mother Nature does things a little differently. Contact Meighan Coretti at 

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