Tuesday, Aug. 11
Corinth MS made the news last week as students began to test positive at school, and other students had to quarantine/isolate as probable contacts. Although it’s been covered before, recall that a probable contact spent 15 minutes or longer sitting within 6 feet of someone who was known to be contagious.
There are actually two school districts in that small 30,000 person county (Alcorn), and 44% of them began school on July 27th, with the rest beginning a week later. With such an early start to the school year, they may be a good natural experiment for other school districts to watch. In COVID19, when something changes fairly significantly, there is a greater than 10 day lag time before it shows up in confirmed cases. There is a five day incubation time, and then a lag from symptoms to asking for a test, then a lag from asking for a test to getting a test, then a lag to getting a result. And, it may take more than one incubation period to see much of a change in cases. With all that said, here is what is happening in Alcorn County, Mississippi. We will check back on this periodically to see if that three day rise at the end there continues to grow, as we know that half of this county is one week ahead of our local Columbia County, which is in its second week of school now.